
Do you have all measures in place to keep your home and family safe? Find out ways you can ensure you always have a place to call home.


Fast Landscaping Solutions

26 May 2016
Home & Garden, Blog

The warm weather is already here, and you haven't done a thing about your yard. Since summer is on the horizon, you may feel that you've missed the window to improve your landscaping. You can relax and prepare to beautify your home's outdoor area. You still have plenty of time to make things more attractive this season. Quickies You can take an hour and make your property look better by doing just a few maintenance tasks.
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3 Things Gardeners Need To Know About Brown Rot

4 May 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Backyard fruit trees can be an excellent addition to your garden, but they can be destroyed by fungal diseases like brown rot. Here are three things gardeners need to know about brown rot. What causes brown rot? Brown rot is caused by Monilinia laxa, a type of fungus. These fungi can overwinter on infected plant matter, like twigs or fallen leaves. In the spring, weather conditions like wind or rain can spread these infected materials to new areas.
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The Best Types Of Rock For Your New Fish Tank

10 April 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

The rocks used in freshwater aquariums are often chosen not only for their appearance, but also for the caves, cavities, and structures that can be created from them. Fish like to have places like that to hide in, and they often seek out areas like that to lay eggs. Not to mention, the rock structures typically grow a thin algae cover that's a great food source for the scavengers in the tank.
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Triple Play: Three Simple Changes That Can Transform Your Home Office Into A Winning Work Space

4 March 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Typically used only for work tasks, the home office is often designed to be practical rather than pretty. It's a room that is often overlooked and neglected. However, by adding just three items to your home office, you can transform your work space into a room that commands attention. Work wonders with window treatments Whether your home office has one window or several, the right window treatments can change the entire look of the room in minutes.
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The Pros And Cons Of Vinyl Fencing

29 January 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you're in the market for a new fence, you might just be overwhelmed by the variety of fencing materials on the market today. There's everything from traditional cast iron and wooden stockade fencing to newer vinyl. Vinyl has a lot to offer, including durability and few maintenance requirements. However, it's smart to weigh both the pros and cons before making a final decision.  Advantages to choosing vinyl fencing There are many good reasons for choosing vinyl fencing.
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About Me
Keeping Your Home As Safe As Possible

Safety inside the home is a priority and everyone should take the necessary steps to ensure that their home is as safe as possible. My name is Larry and I've spent many hours researching various ways to make a home safe. This includes alarm systems, carbon monoxide detectors and home sprinkler systems. Parents should take special safety precautions regarding their children. Removing tripping hazards, keeping cleaning supplies out of a small child's reach and installing tamper resistant wall outlets are just a few safety guidelines parents should follow. In this blog, you'll learn numerous ways to keep your home safe. By writing this blog, I'm hoping to make others aware of the importance of safety in the home.
