
Do you have all measures in place to keep your home and family safe? Find out ways you can ensure you always have a place to call home.


The Pros And Cons Of Vinyl Fencing

29 January 2016
Home & Garden, Blog

If you're in the market for a new fence, you might just be overwhelmed by the variety of fencing materials on the market today. There's everything from traditional cast iron and wooden stockade fencing to newer vinyl. Vinyl has a lot to offer, including durability and few maintenance requirements. However, it's smart to weigh both the pros and cons before making a final decision.  Advantages to choosing vinyl fencing There are many good reasons for choosing vinyl fencing.
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4 Things You Can Do With Your Flowers After Your Wedding

8 January 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Many of the items you purchase for your wedding will only be used for one day. Afterwards, it's hard to figure out what you should do with them. One example is your wedding flowers. Cut flowers aren't meant to last forever, but they'll definitely last longer than a single day. If you're wondering what to do with leftover wedding flowers after the ceremony, consider the following four ideas: Photograph them
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Do It Now: Seal Any Concrete Walkways, Driveways, And Other Features

23 October 2015
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

No matter where you live in the United States, the next few months promise a wild ride due to El NiƱo. While some areas are forecast to get less rain, more areas are forecast to get a lot of rain. If you haven't sealed the concrete that forms your patio, walkways, or other hardscaping features, do it now. If you don't, you could be looking at a big concrete repair job in a few months.
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Troubleshooting Frequent Problems With Retractable Patio Awnings

29 September 2015
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

When you want to make your patio a more welcoming place that can be enjoyed in the bright sunlight and the rain, a retractable awning is one addition that is easy to make as a homeowner. The retractable awning is an attractive implementation for most homeowners because the cost is relatively low and installation can be complete in as little as a few short hours. However, retractable awnings do not come without their downfalls and occasionally, you may have problems.
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Protect Your Sprinkler System Against Winter Threats With These Tips

29 September 2015
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Do you have a sprinkler system on your property? If so, preparing it for fall is an important part of preserving the components of the system. Some property owners overlook the importance of fall preparation, and they put themselves at risk for damages from harsh winter weather. Preparing your sprinkler system is relatively simple, but you can use a landscaping company or lawn sprinkler company as a resource to ensure that the process is done correctly.
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About Me
Keeping Your Home As Safe As Possible

Safety inside the home is a priority and everyone should take the necessary steps to ensure that their home is as safe as possible. My name is Larry and I've spent many hours researching various ways to make a home safe. This includes alarm systems, carbon monoxide detectors and home sprinkler systems. Parents should take special safety precautions regarding their children. Removing tripping hazards, keeping cleaning supplies out of a small child's reach and installing tamper resistant wall outlets are just a few safety guidelines parents should follow. In this blog, you'll learn numerous ways to keep your home safe. By writing this blog, I'm hoping to make others aware of the importance of safety in the home.
