Protect Your Sprinkler System Against Winter Threats With These Tips

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Protect Your Sprinkler System Against Winter Threats With These Tips

Protect Your Sprinkler System Against Winter Threats With These Tips

29 September 2015
Home & Garden, Blog

Do you have a sprinkler system on your property? If so, preparing it for fall is an important part of preserving the components of the system. Some property owners overlook the importance of fall preparation, and they put themselves at risk for damages from harsh winter weather. Preparing your sprinkler system is relatively simple, but you can use a landscaping company or lawn sprinkler company as a resource to ensure that the process is done correctly. 

Observe your lawn.

This part of the process involves you walking around your lawn. Pay close attention to areas that appear to remain wet consistently. This type of moisture issue is sometimes the result of a leak or an issue with the line in the sprinkler. The causes of leaks need to be determined, and they need to be fixed prior to winterizing your sprinkler system. 

Visually inspect the sprinkler system.

This step will allow you to ascertain components of the system that need to be fixed. It is ideal to fix or replace broken parts of your sprinkler system prior to winter. This is ideal to reduce the chances of further damage occurring during the winter months. You also reduce the chances of needing to get your sprinkler system serviced when springtime returns. Ensure that dirt and other debris is removed from the heads of the system. You can use an old toothbrush to clean dirt away. This will aid in preventing clogs when you are ready to use the system again.

Ensure you check for backflow issues.

Depending on your jurisdiction, you may be legally required to perform this step. Testing for backflow is important to reducing the chances of your drinking water getting contaminated. More than 10,000 cases of backflow are reported annually, which is tragic considering that the tests for backflow are simple to perform. You can buy your own testing kit, rent one or contact a professional to perform the testing for you. 

Protect the system from the approaching winter.

Drain all water from the sprinkler system, and ensure you turn it off. If you leave water in the system, it could freeze during the winter. If the system is left on, there is a possibility that water could trickle or leak into it. The frozen water in spouts and pipes could cause them to expand and burst, which would result in you needing repairs to your system in the spring. This is why it makes sense to insulate these components of your sprinkler system as an additional measure of protection.

Contact Krupske Sprinkler Systems for more information.

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Keeping Your Home As Safe As Possible

Safety inside the home is a priority and everyone should take the necessary steps to ensure that their home is as safe as possible. My name is Larry and I've spent many hours researching various ways to make a home safe. This includes alarm systems, carbon monoxide detectors and home sprinkler systems. Parents should take special safety precautions regarding their children. Removing tripping hazards, keeping cleaning supplies out of a small child's reach and installing tamper resistant wall outlets are just a few safety guidelines parents should follow. In this blog, you'll learn numerous ways to keep your home safe. By writing this blog, I'm hoping to make others aware of the importance of safety in the home.
